(61) | | 2023 | Cloos, Janis, Greiff, Matthias, Rusch, Hannes | Editorial Favoritism in the Field of Laboratory Experimental Economics | Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 107: 102082. (doi: 10.1016/j.socec.2023.102082) | |
(60) | | 2022 | Greiff, Matthias, Rusch, Hannes | Sharing Responsibility for the Good | Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 101:101953. (doi: 10.1016/j.socec.2022.101953) | |
(59) | | 2022 | Rusch, Hannes | Modeling Behavior in Intergroup Conflicts: A Review of Microeconomic Approaches | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 377: 20210135. (doi: 10.1098/rstb.2021.0135) | |
(58) | | 2022 | Doğan, Gönül, Glowacki, Luke, Rusch, Hannes | Are Strangers Just Enemies You Have Not Yet Met? Group Identities, Not Intergroup Relations, Shape Ingroup Bias in Three Natural Groups | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 377: 20210419. (doi: 10.1098/rstb.2021.0419) | |
(57) | | 2022 | Rusch, Hannes | Heroic Behavior: A Review of the Literature on High-Stakes Altruism in the Wild | Current Opinion in Psychology 43:238-243. (doi: 10.1016/j.copsyc.2021.07.024) | |
(56) | | 2020 | Böhm, Robert, Rusch, Hannes, Baron, Jonathan | The Psychology of Intergroup Conflict: A Review of Theories and Measures | Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 178: 947-962. (doi: 10.1016/j.jebo.2018.01.020) | |
(55) | | 2020 | Rusch, Hannes, Gavrilets, Sergey | The Logic of Animal Intergroup Conflict: A Review | Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 178:1014-1030. (doi: 10.1016/j.jebo.2017.05.004) | |
(54) | | 2019 | Ronay, Richard, Oostrom, Janneke, Lehmann-Willenbrock, Nale, Mayoral, Samuel, Rusch, Hannes | Playing the Trump Card: Why We Select Overconfident Leaders and Why It Matters | The Leadership Quarterly, 30: 101316. (doi: 10.1016/j.leaqua.2019.101316) | |
(53) | | 2019 | Rößler, Christoph, Rusch, Hannes, Friehe, Tim | Do Norms Make Preferences Social? Supporting Evidence from the Field | Economics Letters, 183: 108569. (doi: 10.1016/j.econlet.2019.108569) | |
(52) | | 2019 | Rusch, Hannes | The Evolution of Collaboration in Symmetric 2×2-Games with Imperfect Recognition of Types | Games and Economic Behavior, 114:118-127. (doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2018.12.005) | |
(51) | | 2019 | Kempa, Karol, Rusch, Hannes | Dissent, Sabotage, and Leader Behaviour in Contests: Evidence from European Football | Managerial and Decision Economics, 40(5):500-514. (doi: 10.1002/mde.3019) | |
(50) | | 2018 | Böhm, Robert, Theelen, Maik M.P., Rusch, Hannes, van Lange, Paul A.M. | Costs, Needs, and Integration Efforts Shape Helping Behavior Toward Refugees | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, 115(28):7284-7289. (doi: 10.1073/pnas.1805601115) | |
(49) | | 2018 | Doğan, Gönül, Glowacki, Luke, Rusch, Hannes | Spoils Division Rules Shape Aggression Between Natural Groups | Nature Human Behaviour, 2:322-326. (doi: 10.1038/s41562-018-0338-z) | |
(48) | | 2018 | Rusch, Hannes | Ancestral Kinship Patterns Substantially Reduce the Negative Effect of Increasing Group Size on Incentives for Public Goods Provision | Journal of Economic Psychology, 64:105-115. (doi: 10.1016/j.joep.2017.12.002) | |
(47) | | 2016 | Rusch, Hannes, Lütge, Christoph | Spillovers from Coordination to Cooperation – Evidence for the Interdependence Hypothesis? | Evolutionary Behavioral Sciences, 10(4):284-296. (doi: 10.1037/ebs0000066) | |
(46) | | 2016 | Böhm, Robert, Rusch, Hannes, Gürerk, Özgür | What Makes People Go to War? Defensive Intentions Motivate Retaliatory and Preemptive Intergroup Aggression | Evolution and Human Behavior, 37(1):29-34. (doi: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2015.06.005) | |
(45) | | 2015 | Rusch, Hannes | Do Bankers have Deviant Moral Attitudes? Negative Results from a Tentative Survey | Rationality, Markets and Morals 6:6-20. | |
(44) | | 2015 | Rusch, Hannes, Leunissen, Joost M., van Vugt, Mark | Historical and Experimental Evidence of Sexual Selection for War Heroism | Evolution and Human Behavior, 36(5):367-373. (doi: 10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2015.02.005) | |
(43) | | 2014 | Salk, Carl F., Frey, Ulrich, Rusch, Hannes | Comparing Forests Across Climates and Biomes: Qualitative Assessments, Reference Forests, and Regional Inter-Comparisons | PLOS ONE 9(4):e94800. (doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0094800) | |
(42) | | 2014 | Rusch, Hannes | The Two Sides of Warfare: An Extended Model of Altruistic Behavior in Ancestral Human Intergroup Conflict | Human Nature 25(3):359-377. (doi: 10.1007/s12110‑014‑9199‑y) | |
(41) | | 2014 | Frey, Ulrich, Rusch, Hannes | Modeling Ecological Success of Common Pool Resource Systems Using Large Datasets | World Development 59:93-103. (doi: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2014.01.034) | |
(40) | | 2014 | Rusch, Hannes | The Evolutionary Interplay of Intergroup Conflict and Altruism in Humans: A Review of Parochial Altruism Theory and Prospects for its Extension | Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 281(1794):20141539. (doi: 10.1098/rspb.2014.1539) | |
(39) | | 2013 | Rusch, Hannes | Asymmetries in Altruistic Behavior During Violent Intergroup Conflict | Evolutionary Psychology 11(5):973-993. (doi: 10.1177/147470491301100504) | |
(38) | | 2013 | Rusch, Hannes, Voland, Eckart | Evolutionary Aesthetics: An Introduction to Key Concepts and Current Issues | Aisthesis 6(2):113-133. (doi: 10.13128/Aisthesis-13773) | |
(37) | | 2013 | Rusch, Hannes | What Niche Did Human Cooperativeness Evolve In? | Ethics and Politics: A Review of Philosophy 15(2):82-100. | |
(36) | | 2013 | Frey, Ulrich, Rusch, Hannes | Using Artificial Neural Networks for the Analysis of Social-Ecological Systems | Ecology and Society 18(2). (doi: 10.5751/ES‑05202‑180240) | |
(35) | | 2012 | Frey, Ulrich, Rusch, Hannes | An Evolutionary Perspective on the Long-Term Efficiency of Costly Punishment | Biology and Philosophy 27(6):811-831. (doi: 10.1007/s10539-012-9327-1) | |
(34) | | 2024 | Rusch, Hannes | Police for Peace | Behavioral and Brain Sciences 47(e26). (doi: 10.1017/S0140525X23002571) | |
(33) | | 2019 | Rusch, Hannes, Böhm, Robert | A Note on the Endogeneity of Attacker and Defender Roles in Asymmetric Conflicts | Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 42(e139):39-40. (doi: 10.1017/S0140525X19000748) | |
(32) | | 2016 | Rusch, Hannes, Voland, Eckart | Human Agricultural Economy Is, and Likely Always Was, Largely Based on Kinship – Why? | Behavioral and Brain Sciences 39:34-35. (doi: 10.1017/S0140525X15001168) | |
(31) | | 2013 | Lütge, Christoph, Rusch, Hannes | The Systematic Place of Morals in Markets [Letter] | Science 341 (6147):714. (doi: 10.1126/science.341.6147.714-a) | |
(30) | | 2016 | Rusch, Hannes | Studies on Documented Historical Cases of Civil and War Heroism: A Mini-Review | Heroism Science, 1(1):1-7. (doi: 10.26736/hs.2016.01.04) | |
(29) | | 2015 | Rusch, Hannes, Störmer, Charlotte | An Evolutionary Perspective on War Heroism | Militaire Spectator 184(3):140-150. | |
(28) | | 2014 | Rusch, Hannes | Naturalistische Zumutungen | Aufklärung und Kritik 1/2014:103-122. | |
(27) | | 2014 | Buschlinger, Wolfgang, Rusch, Hannes | Erkenntnis als Ergebnis biologischer Entwicklung: Die Grundzüge der Evolutionären Erkenntnistheorie im Überblick | Ethik und Unterricht 2/2014:10-14. | |
(26) | | 2018 | Alfano, Mark, Rusch, Hannes, Uhl, Matthias | Ethics, Morality, and Game Theory | Games, 9(2):20. (doi: 10.3390/g9020020) | |
(25) | | 2016 | Böhm, Robert, Rusch, Hannes, Herrmann, Benedikt | Parochial Altruism: Pitfalls and Prospects | Research Topic in Frontiers in Psychology & Neuroscience, (Editorial: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.01004) | |
(24) | | 2014 | Lütge, Christoph, Rusch, Hannes, Uhl, Matthias | Experimental Ethics: Toward an Empirical Moral Philosophy | Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan (ISBN: 978-1137409799; doi: 10.1057/9781137409805) | |
(23) | | 2025 | Voland, Eckart, Rusch, Hannes | Im Lichte der Evolution: Kultur | In: Helmut Fink & Rüdiger Vaas (eds.), Emporgeirrt! – Evolutionäre Erkenntnisse in Natur und Kultur, Hirzel: 69-85. (Book doi: 10.3813/9783777635743) | |
(22) | | 2024 | Rusch, Hannes | Krieg der Gene? Gewaltsame Gruppenkonflikte aus evolutionärer Perspektive | In: Manfred Hammerl, Sascha Schwarz & Kai P. Willführ (eds.), Evolutionäre Sozialwissenschaften, Springer VS: 283-301. (doi:&nsbp;10.1007/978-3-658-43624-7_16) | |
(21) | | 2023 | Rusch, Hannes | Interdisciplinarity of Heroism | In: Scott T. Allison (ed.), Encyclopedia of Heroism Science, Springer. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-031-17125-3_306-1) | |
(20) | | 2023 | Rusch, Hannes | The Way Out Is Through | Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology 29(4): 461-462. (doi: 10.1037/pac0000696) | |
(19) | | 2020 | Antweiler, Christoph, Rusch, Hannes, Voland, Eckart | Ein evolutionär-anthropologischer Blick auf soziale Kohäsion | In: Cathleen Bochmann & Helge Döring (eds.), Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt gestalten, Springer VS: 27-52. | |
(18) | | 2017 | Rusch, Hannes, van Vugt, Mark | Male Adaptations That Facilitate Success In War | In: Todd K. Shackelford & Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford (eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_950-1) | |
(17) | | 2016 | Rusch, Hannes | High-Cost Altruistic Helping | In: Todd K. Shackelford & Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford (eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_1556-1) | |
(16) | | 2016 | Böhm, Robert, Rusch, Hannes | Evolved Psychology of Warfare | In: Todd K. Shackelford & Viviana A. Weekes-Shackelford (eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, Springer. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_2964-1) | |
(15) | | 2016 | Rusch, Hannes | Darwins dunkles Erbe – Gewaltsame Zwischengruppenkonflikte in der menschlichen Evolution | In: Rainer Rosenzweig & Helmut Fink (eds.), Gehirne zwischen Liebe und Krieg, mentis: 139-161. (doi: 10.30965/9783957438058_011) | |
(14) | | 2016 | Rusch, Hannes, Uhl, Matthias | Order Ethics: An Experimental Perspective | In: Christoph Luetge & Nikil Mukerji (eds.), Order Ethics – An Ethical Framework for the Social Market Economy, Springer: 67-78. (doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-33151-5_5) | |
(13) | | 2014 | Rusch, Hannes, Lütge, Christoph, Voland, Eckart | Experimentelle und Evolutionäre Ethik: Eine neue Synthese in der Moralphilosophie? | In: Matthias Maring (ed.), Bereichsethiken im interdisziplinären Dialog, KIT Scientific Publishing: 163-179. | |
(12) | | 2014 | Rusch, Hannes | Philosophy as the Behaviorist Views It? | In: Christoph Lütge, Hannes Rusch & Matthias Uhl (eds.), Experimental Ethics, Palgrave Macmillan: 264-282. (doi: 10.1057/9781137409805_17) | |
(11) | | 2014 | Dworazik, Niklas, Rusch, Hannes | A Brief History of Experimental Ethics | In: Christoph Lütge, Hannes Rusch & Matthias Uhl (eds.), Experimental Ethics, Palgrave Macmillan: 38-56. (doi: 10.1057/9781137409805_4) | |
(10) | | 2013 | Rusch, Hannes, Frey, Ulrich | Biological and Experimental Perspectives on Self-Interest: Reciprocal Altruism and Genetic Egoism | In: Christoph Lütge (ed.), Handbook of the Philosophical Foundations of Business Ethics, Springer: 313-335. (doi: 10.1007/978-94-007-1494-6_28) | |
(9) | | 2010 | Rusch, Hannes | Naturalistic Impositions | In: Ulrich Frey (ed.), The Nature of God – Evolution and Religion, Tectum: 129-157. | |
(8) | | 2024 | Rusch, Hannes, Vostroknutov, Alexander | The Evolution of Personal Standards Into Social Norms | GSBE Research Memoranda 11/2024. (doi: 10.26481/umagsb.2024011) | |
(7) | | 2024 | Böhm, Robert, Glowacki, Luke, Rusch, Hannes, Thielmann, Isabel | Untangling Altruism and Parochialism in Human Intergroup Conflict | GSBE Research Memoranda 9/2024. (doi: 10.26481/umagsb.2024009) | |
(6) | | 2024 | Liu, Kaiqi, Rusch, Hannes, Seel, Christian, Terstiege, Stefan | Competition in Higher Education: Sorting, Ranking and Fees | GSBE Research Memoranda 5/2024. (doi: 10.26481/umagsb.2024005) | |
(5) | | 2024 | Glowacki, Luke, Morath, Florian, Rusch, Hannes | High Minority Power Facilitates Democratization across Ethnic Fault Lines | Universität Innsbruck, Faculty of Economics and Statistics, Working Papers 2023-18. | |
(4) | | 2023 | Rusch, Hannes | The Logic of Human Intergroup Conflict: Knowns and Known Unknowns | GSBE Research Memoranda 14/2023. (doi: 10.26481/umagsb.2023014) | |
(3) | | 2020 | Doğan, Gönül, Glowacki, Luke, Rusch, Hannes | Ingroup Love Drives Ingroup Bias within Natural Groups | Working Paper Series in Economics 101, University of Cologne, Department of Economics. (RePEc:kls:series:0101) | |
(2) | | 2013 | Albert, Max, Rusch, Hannes | Indirect Reciprocity, Golden Opportunities for Defection, and Inclusive Reputation | MAGKS Joint Discussion Paper Series in Economics 29-2013. | |
(1) | | 2009 | Buschlinger, Wolfgang, Conradi, Bettina, Rusch, Hannes | Philomat / Apparat für weltanschauliche Diagnostik | Stuttgart: Hirzel (ISBN: 978-3777616339) | |